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The word “prosciutto” comes from the Italian word prosciutto, which means salted and dried leg of pork. The first reliable information about dried and smoked pork, i.e. the production of prosciutto in the Šibenik district and thus also in the Drni area, is found in the Šibenik statutes from the 14th century. Mentioned in the eighteenth century. However, the production of Drniški ham as a special brand for the market began in 1969 with the establishment of the Petrovo Polje Agro-Industrial Combine (PIK), and already the following year the combine merged with RO Mesopromet from Split. The initial capacity of the combine was 3,000 pieces of hams, which were dried in various places, through the later construction of its own dryer, acquisition of more modern machines and cooperation with PIKs in Belje, Kruševac, Subotica etc. The number of dried hams at the end of the eighties was about 23,000 pieces. The Drnik area is situated between several mountains (Promina, Svilaja). The largest part of the plateau covers Petrovo polje, through which the Čikola river flows and flows into Krk. The climate is pleasant. Scientific analyses prove that the microclimatic conditions of the Drniš area distinguish Drniš ham from other Dalmatian hams. The Drniška region is located in close proximity to the sea, but has very specific climatic conditions, which have the character of a modified Mediterranean climate. Overall, the climate is predominantly sub-Mediterranean, warm in summer (hot and dry), mild winters with abundant autumn and winter rains. Winds are the most important for prosciutto production. Bura is the prevailing wind (50% of all winds) and often blows from the south. Winds prevail in the winter part of the year. Maestral and ass are light breezes in the summer months.


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